Hi! 👋🏼 I'm Kacia
Welcome! I'm so glad you found me. My name is Kacia [KAY-shuh]. I am a primarily family focused photographer based out of La Crosse, WI. I have lived in the La Crosse area my entire life and absolutely adore raising my own little family here. I started my very first job at The Wedding Tree in downtown La Crosse just after my high school graduation in 2009 and never left! I have served the areas brides, grooms, and families for 15 years and have gotten to know so many amazing people along the way. My husband, Dustin, and I met in 2012 [his mom was my boss!] and it very nearly was love at first sight. We fell hard and married here in La Crosse in September of 2016. Our first baby came along in the fall of 2017 and then two more came in the span of 3.5 years. Three little boys in 3.5 years! After the pandemic and after bringing my third son into the world into 2021, it began to become clear to me that my calling in life was to stay home and raise my kiddos; so I cut back my time at The Wedding Tree [although I'm still there part time!] and found new purpose at home. Anyone who knows me knows that I was always the photographer of the group. From taking an actual digital camera around for nights out in college to taking a million cell phone photos of my babies, friends, and family, to eventually deciding I really should have a nice camera for those high resolution images, I was always the one in the group in charge of taking the pictures. At first the camera was used only to capture photos of my own family, then to capture images of my friends' families, and then, with tons of encouragement from friends, family, and especially my husband, I decided I should give it a go as a photographer. I started taking photos more full time [while also continuing as a mostly stay at home mom and very part time employee at The Wedding Tree] in the spring of 2023 and have been blessed with the absolute best clients since then. I'll tell you what: working from home (aaaaaaaall the editing!!!!!) while keeping three kids and a household functioning is no joke! It's the hardest thing I've ever done, but it's also the most rewarding. I truly love meeting new families and I truly adore making kids smile. So thank you for being here, I appreciate you, and I can't wait to capture your family!

Kacia - The woman behind the camera with silly faces and funny noises, working tirelessly to capture authentic smiles and timeless images for your family.
Dustin - A full-time electrician, the absolute best dad in the world, and our rock that allows me to pursue every dream I've ever had. The biggest supporter, greatest husband, and ultimate friend a girl could ask for.
Weston - Our spunky 6-year-old with the biggest heart. He's a great friend to everyone and loves digging in the dirt, swimming, and driving his four-wheeler.
Waylon - Our sweet 4.5-year-old with the sunshine hair. He's an easygoing goofball who loves riding his bike and scooter, swinging, and of course, getting dirty.
Watson - Our silly 2.5-year-old with the smile that melts everyone he meets. He's the tiny prince of our family and he knows it. He has everyone he meets wrapped around his finger and loves snacking above all else.